The Underbrush (3/15/22)

Ok, so we have done a lot in a short amount of time in order to get ready for the Alpha. We've completely revamped the asset layout for the Jackalope section and HQ area. We added the Mothman section of the game into the main scene and laid out assets there as well. A shader that fades out objects that are in front of the player, 2D lighting, a match light mechanic, the player journal, and  a prototype lock/ key system for the Mothman section have all been implemented. Along with the changes, we've also managed to rack up a few bugs which I'd like to address here.

Known Bugs: 

Jackalope can still be caught without hiding or using the bottle, 

Inventory system doesn't pick up multiple of the same kind of item (ie: forest key in the mothman section),

Match light system and using an inventory item activate at the same time when pressing E

Lighting glitch on the picnic blanket in the HQ,

Mothman Trees and objects don't have colliders,

Minimap doesn't accurately show Mothman section


TheUnderbrush_Mac 53 MB
Mar 15, 2022
TheUnderbrush_Windows 44 MB
Mar 15, 2022

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